Select each chapter in your document and apply Heading Styles.
Look under General, and Show Levels then change it from the 3 default to 2 this displays only Headings 1 and Headings 2 in the standard Styles menu. Format your document using heading styles. Use the Custom Table of Content in the Table of Contents drop down. You need to only outline the content and then specify the heading styles with basic formatting. If you set the value to 5, the table of contents in MS word will show headings 1 5, provided you’ve added them to your document. If you set it to 2, only Heading 1 and Heading 2 will appear in the table of contents in MS Word.
Microsoft Word can automatically build a Table of Contents for you. In it, is a field called ‘Show Levels’ and you can customize it.
Word 2016 table of contents using only heading 1 how to#
Word Object Model Reference Support and feedback How to Create a Table of Contents in Word. ActiveDocument.TablesOfContents(1).UpdatePageNumbers Here's how to create an automatically generated table of. The following example updates the page numbers of the items in the first table of figures in the active document. If you're creating a long document in Word on your Mac, the program's ability to generate a table of contents is pretty darned handy. The index number represents the position of the table of contents in the document. Now, Word will include only text that is marked with TC field codes. Then, uncheck Styles and Outline levels, and check Table entry fields. Use TablesOfContents (Index), where Index is the index number, to return a single TableOfContents object. Click the line below the first section heading, then go to the REFERENCES tab, click Table of Contents, and Custom Table of Contents. UseFields:=False, UseHeadingStyles:=True, _ Once you click OK, your table of contents will automatically reflect the changes you have made, provided that you indeed have 6 headings in your document. If you need more, you only have to change the value to 6, for example, so it will show headings 1 through 6. Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0)Ī Range:=myRange, _ Your table of contents will then show only Heading 1 and Heading 2. The example builds the table of contents from all paragraphs styled as either Heading 1, Heading 2, or Heading 3. The following example adds a table of contents at the beginning of the active document. Use the Add method to add a table of contents to a document. The following example inserts a table of contents entry that references the selected text in the active document. Use the TablesOfContents property to return the TablesOfContents collection. A collection of TableOfContents objects that represent the tables of contents in a document.